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Koh, Seung-Cheol, 4Division of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Korea Maritime University, Busan 606-791Kortz, Mason , University of California, San Diego
Kratz, Tim
Kratz, Timothy, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Kruger, Judith
Kruger, Judith, Kruger National Park
Kwon, Yong-Su, of Biology, Kyung Hee University, Seoul 130-701
LaHoz, Rafael, Universidad Complutense de MadridLamontagne, Philippe, Ecole de technologie supérieure
Lamontagne, Philippe, Ecole de technologie superieure, Montreal
Landry, Jacques-Andre, Ecole de technologie superieure, Montreal
Landry, Jacques-André, École de technologie supérieure
Laney, Christine
Laney, Christine, Jornada Experimental Range, New Mexico State University
Laney, Christine, Jornada Experimental Rangle, New Mexico State University
Laney, Christine, NMSU
Laney, Christine , Jornada Basin LTER
Langman, Owen , Center for Limnology, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Laurent, Ed, American Bird Conservancy, 4249 Loudoun Ave, The Plains, VA
Leday, Gwénaël
Lee, Hak-Young, Department of Biology, Chonnam National University, Gwangju 500- 757
Leinfelder, Benjamin
Leinfelder, Benjamin, NCEAS
Leinfelder, Benjamin , National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, University of California Santa Barbara
Lek, Sovan, University of Toulouse, CNRS, Toulouse
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