USGS - NBII Releases Re-Designed Interface for Metadata Clearinghouse
Vivian Hutchison
Last modified: 2008-08-21
The use of standards for data documentation allow scientists and researchers to discover completed or on-going research projects in a particular area of study, which can lead to new opportunities for collaboration and data sharing. The National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) maintains various standards to support data interoperability. In preparation for the release of ISO 19115 North American Profile, the NBII has released a new, enhanced version of the NBII Clearinghouse. With powerful search capabilities and updated features, users can search geographically or by specifying particular data providers, then bookmark or email record results. An RSS feed can be set up to inform a user about new records in the Clearinghouse reflecting a particular query. The Clearinghouse is supported by Mercury technology through the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Visit the Clearinghouse: A poster will be presented highlighting the features of the new NBII Clearinghouse capabilities.