Conference Archives
International Conference on Ecological Informatics 6
Hotel GRAN OASIS, Cancun, Mexico
Cancun, MX
December 2, 2008 – December 5, 2008
Theme: Data and Software Sharing: Key to Sustainable Ecological Solutions
The Conference Program includes listings of all oral paper and poster sessions and their times during ISEI6.
Final paper submissions are due December 2, 2008 and should be submitted to Ecological Informatics. Please strictly follow the content and formatting guidelines for Ecological Informatics when preparing your submission.
Ecological Informatics emphasizes information processing from genomes to ecosystems, meta-information concepts for ecological data management, computational ordination, clustering and forecasting of complex ecological interactions, and facilitating informed decision making for sustainable ecosystem management.
The conference theme of ISEI6 will be 'Data and Software Sharing: Key to Sustainable Ecological Solutions'. The ISEI6 organisers feel committed to overcome the current fragmentation and incompatibility of ecological data and information, and promote local and global networking, sharing and exploration of ecological information by means of advanced computer technology.
Selected papers of the conference will be published in special issues of the international journal Ecological Informatics that is published by Elsevier B.V. since 2006.
Important Dates:
- Abstracts due (deadline extended): April 30, 2008
- Early registration deadline: September 15, 2008
- Full papers due: December 2, 2008, and should be submitted to Ecological Informatics. Please strictly follow the content and formatting guidelines for Ecological Informatics when preparing your submission.
- See the Timeline for other important deadlines

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