Presentations and Authors

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Sensor network papers

Meeting the challenges of an international, grassroots organization of sites deploying sensor networks: the Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON) Abstract
Barbara Benson, Luke Winslow, Peter Arzberger, Cayelan Carey, Tony Fountain, Paul Hanson, Tim Kratz, Sameer Tilak
Converting data to information: Coupling lab-level database functionality with primary LTER data archiving systems Abstract
Adam M. Kennedy, Suzanne M. Remillard, Donald L. Henshaw, Lawrence A. Duncan, Barbara J. Bond
Vega: A Flexible Data Model for Environmental Time Series Data Abstract
Luke Winslow, Barbara Benson, Kenneth Chiu, Paul Hanson, Timothy Kratz


A Team Approach to Data Synthesis: The Playbook for Creating a Centralized, Dynamic, and Sustainable ANPP Database Abstract
Nicole E. Kaplan, Kristin L. Vanderbilt, Lee Zeman, Judy B. Cushing, Christine Laney, Juli Mallett, Ken Ramsey, Jincheng Gao, Judith Kruger, Carri LeRoy, Daniel Milchunas, Esteban Muldavin
Abstracting Functionality and Access: Facilitating Data System Manageability and Site Coordination Abstract
Mason A. Kortz, James E. Conners, Karen S Baker
LTER Information Managers: A Community of Practice Abstract
Karen S. Baker, Nicole E. Kaplan, Inigo San Gil, Margaret O'Brien, Florence Millerand
Electronic Collection of Vegetation Mapping Data within the Grand Canyon National Park Abstract
Scott C. Curran, Mike Kearsley
Cross-Site Analysis of Abiotic Drivers and ANPP at Five Grasslands Sites Abstract
Judith B. Cushing, Nicole E. Kaplan, Christine Laney, Carri LeRoy, Juli Mallett, Ken Ramsey, Kristin Vanderbilt, Lee Zeman
Problems and Solutions in Species-Coded Data: Best Practices and Common Issues Abstract
Judith B Cushing, Juli Mallett, Lee Zeman, Nicole Kaplan, Christine Laney, Ken Ramsey, Kristin Vanderbilt

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